Saturday 3 January 2015

Boko Haram Terrorists abduct 40 boys from Borno village

Boko Haram fighters with leader, Abubakar Shekau
Suspected Boko Haram insurgents have abducted 40 boys fromMalari, Borno State, according to residents.
The heavily armed terrorists invaded the remote village at about 8pm on Wednesday, December 31, but did not kill anyone, Reuters reports.
"People ran out of their houses in fear but they warned no one should disobey them," a resident, Zarami told Reuters.
"They took away over 40 (male) youths mostly between the ages of 15 to 23. As I am talking to you now, there is no youth in our village," he added.
This comes as parents of the abducted Chibok Girls called on the Nigerian government to either rescue their daughters or find outside help, possibly from the United Nations.

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