Yeah, yeah, we all know you're going to give up smoking (again), drink less, eat less and save more.
This year, how about making some New Year resolutions that will put a saucy sparkle in both of your eyes?
Here are just some ways that you could start your relationship off with a bang this New Year...
Accept sex can't be perfect. Don't fall for myths (or boasts - the neighbours aren't really at it six times a week) but set real expectations about what you'd like to achieve and change.
Understand and enjoy the differences between you and your partner rather than try to turn them into 'Mini-me'. Two 'mini-me's' makes for super boring bedtimes. If you like different things, you'll encourage each other to try different things.
Sort out any problems in your sexual past so you can have happy sex in the future. It's never too late to get help for a serious sex trauma and it's definitely time to ditch any silly hang-ups kindly handed over by an insensitive ex. Your orgasm face is cute not frightening.
Touch each other constantly. Both sexually and affectionately – and make sure you both know the difference. If you're never sure whether that kiss or cuddle is an expression of love or initiation of sex, you're going to end up mightily confused.
There is no such thing as an ideal relationship. Everyone compromises. You let go of the tooth fairy. Now let go of this.
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