Saturday 20 June 2015

Europe 'gives Greece ANOTHER £2billion' to prevent banks closing as Tsipras snubs Brussels talks to 'make a deal with Putin'

Alexis Tsipras predicts Greece's exit will cause COLLAPSE of Europe's currency

The lifeline came as Greek banking officials insisted they had 'no financing problems' despite withdrawals by savers, with around £1billion being taken out yesterday alone.

Donald Tusk yesterday delivered an ultimatum to Greece, claiming the country must 'accept an offer or default' at an emergency summit set for Monday - in a last-ditch effort to stop the debt-stricken nation crashing out of the euro. His comments came as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras warned that his country's exit from the eurozone would trigger the collapse of the single currency. Mr Tsipras - who snubbed talks in Brussels to make a deal with Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg on Friday evening (right) - has called Russia 'one of Greece's most important partners'. Left, a protester waves a Greek flag in front of huge crowds at the entrance to the Greek Parliament building in Athens.

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