Thursday, 11 December 2014

Mr and Mrs Bland! The Mail disagrees. But JAN MOIR says she is disappointed in Kate and William... because their American tour proves just how DULL the royal couple have become

Wills and Kate
Nearly four years after they married at Westminster Abbey, the bloom has gone from the rose, writes JAN MOIR. They almost always fail to exhibit the sense of grandeur and dignity that the monarchy demands. Quite frankly, they are a bit of a bore: a Mr and Mrs Bland who trundle around the world in mumsy dresses and dad-trousers, saying not very much at all. Even at black-tie galas, Kate and William somehow manage to look as if they are attending a golf club dinner in the
Home Counties. Look at their trip to New York this week - they dazzled the U.S. like a pair of damp squibs submerged in a bucket of cringe. Pictured: Kate and Wills at a basketball game on Monday (centre); The pair at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum (right) and at the St Andrews 600th Anniversary Dinner in New York (left)

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