Thursday 12 February 2015

Love Gone Sour Man murders lover, buries her in bathtub

This 30-year-old man murdered his 72-year-old lover so he can be with younger women.

A 30-year-old Ugandan man, David Mbabaali, has been declared wanted by the police in that country after he allegedly murdered his older lover, Harriet Namyenya Mbaziira and buried her in a bath-tub in her house  in Zone Wakaliga B, Nalukolongo, on the outskirts of Kampala, the capital.
According to the New Vision Newspaper, Mbabaali killed the 72-year-old woman after she complained about him bringing other women to sleep with in her house.
The online paper reports that the suspect has been bringing a younger woman to his lover's house, sparking off a chilling chain of events that led to her murder.
According to police investigations, Namyenya, whose death has been estimated at three weeks ago, caught Mbaabali with a girlfriend on the ground floor of her storied house and a quarrel ensued. She reportedly told him to pack and leave but he pleaded with her to let him spend the night as he had nowhere to go.
On the fateful night Mbabaali murdered her, he allegedly went up to the top floor where Namyenya was sleeping and stabbed her to death.
A neighbour said they got suspicious when Namyenya 'disappeared' and when asked,
Mbaabali told them she had gone to Ghana, but after being pressed to give details he said she had gone to London.
The police, in a statement said:
"A coordinated effort by friends and family got them in touch with the children of the deceased who live in London, but they denied any knowledge of her whereabouts.
However, suspicions grew when concerned neighbours reported the missing person at Old Kampala police station.
Mbabaali was summoned to police to explain the whereabouts of Namyenya. His varying accounts of the story led police to the old woman's house.
A search of the house at first revealed nothing until they went to the upper floor of the house.
The police found a door to the bathroom that had been sealed off with pieces of wood that had been nailed in the doorway.
When Mbabaali was asked what was inside he said Namyenya had sealed off the door because the bathroom had a leakage that caused a bad stench in the house.
Police then told him to get a hammer so they could break into the room to search it. This was Mbabaali's cue for until now he had not been considered a suspect. When he left to get a hammer he never returned.
The barriers were removed from the doorway and the door was broken down, and immediately a repulsive stench engulfed the house.
Inside the room was a bathtub that had been sealed with concrete which was also broken away.
Lying in there was Namyenya's decomposing body. By this time Mbabaali had had a head start, and it dawned on police that the young man had already fled."
Namyenya was a widow whose late husband, a former judge during the regime of dictator, Idi Amin, had fled the country when the strongman went on a killing spree, where he murdered anyone who opposed his excesses.

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