Thursday 30 April 2015

Now we know... they DO wear the trousers: Party leaders' wives ditch dresses to put best foot forward, writes JAN MOIR

Party leaders wives sporting similar style in run-up to election

In the corridors of power, Samantha Cameron (right), Justine Miliband (left)and Miriam Clegg (centre) proved once more that they are the ones who wear the trousers, in more ways than one.Indeed, Samantha and Justine marched out in almost identical uniforms; dark slacks and blazers, paired with crisp shirts and sensible shoes. They looked like a pair of lady pilots from the budget Deficit airline, ready for their long haul flight to or from the land of Austerity, depending on whose husband wins. The only accessory missing were their welfare caps, which they must have left at home, writes JAN MOIR.

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